Coil fitting pricing

At Oxona Healthcare, we strongly believe that should patients choose to access private healthcare, it should be fairly priced, with no hidden costs; accessible; and should offer excellent care.  Our coil fitting service is priced at £345. This includes a 15 minute pre-coil fitting consultation (£110) and the procedure (£235). The consultation is your opportunity to discuss the process with your doctors, ask all the questions you need to, discuss which coil is the best for you, and when would be most suitable to get booked in. 

It is commonly stated that a coil can be fitted at any stage during your cycle, which is true. However, if you are looking to minimise heavy periods, for example, then you may wish to discuss this with your doctor and think more carefully about the stage of cycle you will be in at the time of insertion. 

The second appointment we offer is the coil fitting procedure. This appointment is 30 minutes long, allowing ample time to run through any last minute questions, discuss the procedure and allow for some recovery time afterwards.  

Pain relief

At Oxona Healthcare, we think all women should be offered pain relief for any gynaecological procedure.  It should always be available if needed. Generally, coil fitting procedures should not be too painful, especially if completed by an experienced doctor who can take things slowly.  Most women describe it as being uncomfortable but bearable pain during the procedure, followed by anything from a few hours to 2 days of mild to moderate cramping. Nonetheless, we feel strongly that it is a woman’s choice to have pain relief and it should always be on hand if needed. 

You doctor will usually advise to take some paracetamol or ibuprofen 30 minutes before your appointment.  They can prescribe something stronger if you think this might be needed.  This can be discussed during your consultation appointment.  All our clinics have gas and air (also known as laughing gas or Entonox) available.  This tends to be a very good short acting pain relief, lasting only a few minutes during the coil insertion itself.  It wears off quickly, and has the aded benefit of helping you to relax during the procedure. This can assist the doctor in ensuring a successful coil fit. 

Gas and air wears off very quickly but you are advised not to drive for 30 minutes after taking it. It might be worth planning this into your day. We will always have staff on hand to look after you following the procedure and somewhere for you to rest if needed. 

Coil fitting: Which IUS to choose?

Size of device
32 x 32 mm
32 x 32 mm
32 x 32 mm
28 x 30 mm 
29 x 30 mm 
Diameter of inserter tube
4.4 mm
4.8 mm
4.8 mm
3.8 mm
3. 8mm 
Effectiveness (for contraception)
Dose of levonorgestrel hormone per 24 hours
20 mcg
20.1 mcg
20.1 mcg
17.5 mcg
14 mcg
Licensed for HRT? 
No, but can be used unlicensed
No, but can be used unlicensed
Expected % of users where periods will stop within 1 year
Can be used to reduce heavy periods
Can help endometriosis
Helps to relieve period cramping
Licensed for HRT 
Can help Adenomyosis
Can be used to reduce heavy periods
Can help endometriosis
Helps to relieve period cramping 
Can help Adenomyosis
Can be used to reduce heavy periods
Can help endometriosis
Helps to relieve period cramping
Can help Adenomyosis
Smaller size can be more tolerated for insertion
Lower hormone dosage can be beneficial to those reporting more side effects of contraceptive hormone
Some effect to reducing menstrual bleeding
Smaller size can be more tolerated for insertion
Lowest hormone of all IUDs
Some effect to reducing menstrual bleeding
Larger size and insertion device
Larger size and insertion device
Larger size and insertion device
Lower dosage of Levonorgestrel does not have as a great a impact on reducing heavy bleeding  
Lower dosage of Levonorgestrel does not have as a great a impact on reducing heavy bleeding 
Duration device is licensed for
5 years
6 years
6 years
5 years
3 years
Cost *
TBC please ask

* We always charge cost price for any coils prescribed at our clinics.  So these prices are subject to change, we do our utmost to keep these costs as low as possible. If we source the coil cheaper, we will pass this saving onto you. 

Copper coils: 

We stock Flexi-T coils which last for 5 years. We have a range of sizes in stock, including 380, 300 and 300 plus. We can also source and stock other sizes and types of copper coil.  This will be in discussion with your doctor. Copper coils vary in length, arm width and the mm2 of copper coil.  The different sizes and varying amounts of copper coil are more and less suited to different women, and in different life stages.  Your doctor will advise.  Copper coils range from £20-25. 

The 10 year Copper coil has recently been discontinued, so is no longer available either privately or on the NHS.

Coil fitting: which IUS to choose?

When it comes to choosing a hormonal coil, there are many decisions to take. The main one is to make an informed choice on which coil is most suitable for you. The decision really depends on the reasons you are choosing a coil in the first place.  Some women will look to have a coil fitted solely for contraception, in this case you may look towards the lower dosage Kyleena and Jaydess. These may also be more suitable for those who have previously struggled to have a coil inserted due to their smaller physical size, and a narrower insertion device.  Due to the lower dosage Levonorgestrel hormone, some women will report fewer side effects of progestogen only hormonal contraception, such as, oily skin and acne, bloating, breast tenderness and headaches.

The higher dosage coils (Mirena, Levosert and Benilexa) are more effective at reducing heavy bleeding and can be used as a first line treatment for Endometriosis. The higher hormone dose does suit some women better as they look to try to reduce the intensity of menstrual bleeding, and some of the side effects associated with menstrual bleeding, such as, cramping and nausea.  The larger size of the device does not usually impact most women, and is generally well tolerated. The diameter of the insertion device is only 1mm wider than the narrowest (Jaydess or Kyleena) and in most women this makes little difference, this is specifically true for those who have previously given birth. 

In summary, the choice is yours.  Have a think about what outcomes you expect from having a coil fitted.  This in discussion with your doctor can help ensure you choose the right coil for you and you lifestyle. 

Booking an appointment

To book an appointment, you will need to firstly book a coil fitting consultation (£110). Following this, your doctor will select an appropriate date for your coil fitting procedure (£235). This can be as soon as the week after, or something planned into the future to fit your schedule and cycle. Any follow-up appointments or string checks are included in the price. The coil is not included in the cost. No hidden costs, ever. 

We do also offer coil removal priced at £125. 

If you have any questions or ned help booking then please do not hesitate to get in touch.  Our experienced team respond to emails with 48 hours, or answer calls during our opening hours Monday to Friday.

01727 620101 or  01865 965027

Cost of the coil

Although contraception is provided free on the NHS, it is not the same in the private sector. The coil must be prescribed by us to you, and we charge you the cost price for that item. 

In some cases, your NHS GP may be able to prescribe to you the suitable coil, in which case you can bring the coil with you to the appointment or bring your prescription.  Please note, NHS GPs are not obliged to do this, and it is not as simple as just writing a prescription.  There are many reasons they may not be able to do this, or may choose not to in some circumstances.  We suggest it is worth asking them, but please respect their decision if they are not able to offer you a prescription.

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Weekend appointments available in Oxford clinic