About Us

Give your patients choices and solutions to cosmetic issues that aren’t treated within the NHS. Let them manage their health with fast access to experts and unhurried appointments, in a supportive setting. 

Oxona was born out of a need identified by both GPs and patients – giving patients the freedom of choice they deserve when it comes to their own healthcare. Our services bridge the gap between traditional GPs and consultant-led care, bringing quality expertise with fair, transparent pricing.

Based in Oxfordshire and Hertfordshire, with understanding and experienced teams across our dermatology and women’s health clinics, our purpose is to deliver superb care and empower your patients around their wellbeing.

We believe that nobody should suffer from pain, discomfort or embarrassment. Specialising in dermatology, primary care gynaecology, menopause, perimenopause and female contraception, our clinicians are here to address any problem your patient may have – big or small. And we don’t deliver one-size-fits-all treatments: our approach is tailored to each patient as an individual, based on their unique circumstances and their decisions, with treatment pathways that work for you as well. 

How Oxona helps GPs

As well as giving your patients affordable access to private care, whether for women’s health or dermatological conditions, Oxona can support GPs by helping to free up your time.

Your patients will get the best possible care. From examinations and tests to treatments and second opinions, everything we do is based around your patient as an individual. Our personalised consultations give them time to talk through their concerns and ask all their questions, which we’ll answer with expertise and understanding. 

We understand that people can feel anxious in a clinical setting, and that people react differently to procedures. That’s why we offer relaxed surroundings and a range of pain relief options, making sure they’re happy and confident throughout their appointments.

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Referring patients to Oxona

We encourage patients to self-refer, but acknowledge for some patients they would prefer to be referred. And because we have greater flexibility with appointments, we’re able to offer shorter wait times and dates that fit in with your patient’s schedule or cycle. 

Then, we will ensure the best care pathways for your patients – whether it’s a direct onward referral to NHS secondary care , or connecting them with a private specialist consultant. We would always copy the GP into any clinical notes or onwards referrals.

Give your patients the best possible outcomes for cosmetic issues not treated within the NHS. Refer them to Oxona, where they can be informed and empowered to make the best choices for them. 

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How to perform a monthly skin check to spot early signs of melanoma

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Coil fittings & managing pain – does it really have to hurt?

Davina McCall made headlines by courageously undergoing a filmed coil fitting procedure. As a champion of women's health, she has raised awareness about menopause and its effects on women's lives. Now, she's advocating for better accessibility to contraception.
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